Historic Places


Charlotte-Mecklenburg Preservation Organizations

Carolina Theatre Preservation Society
Our mission is to preserve the Carolina Theatre to enhance the emerging entertainment district in the heart of downtown Charlotte and bring more life to the vibrant arts center that was started by the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center and Spirit Square. People from all walks of life will be drawn into the Center City with its new synergy of arts, film, music, dance and theatre.
306 Riverton Road
Matthews NC 28104
Phone: 704-821-9891
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Charlotte Folk Society
The Charlotte Folk Society is dedicated to promoting the enjoyment, preservation and continuance of traditional folk music, dance, crafts, and lore through classes on acoustic instruments, concerts, programs, an instrument lending library and archives of traditional music. Monthly programs held at CPCC in Uptown Charlotte and Myers Park Baptist Church. Concert locations vary.
PO Box 36864
Charlotte NC 28226
Phone: 704-372-FOLK
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Charlotte Jewish Historical Society
The Society collects, records, documents and preserves the history of the Charlotte Jewish community. "By Street & Number -- Two Centuries of Charlotte Jewish Life," a driving tour map of historic Jewish Charlotte, is available at no charge. The collection includes a photo archive and an extensive video oral history collection. Located adjacent to the Jewish Community Center at Shalom Park on Providence Road.
5007 Providence Road
Charlotte NC 28226
Phone: 704-366-507
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission
The Historic Landmarks Commission (est. 1973) identifies and designates historic landmarks, reviews proposed alterations to existing landmarks, and acquires renovates and resells endangered historic properties.
2100 Randolph Road
Charlotte NC 28207
Phone: 704-376-9115
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Davidson Historical Society
The Davidson historical Society was formed to promote an understanding and appreciate of the history of Davidson, NC and the surrounding area. Walking tours of the town and Davidson College are available upon request.
P.O. Box 144
Davidson NC 28036
Phone: 704-892-3739
Mecklenburg Historical Association
Mecklenburg Historical Association (founded 1954) promotes interest and pride in the county's history. MHA has program meetings quarterly, publishes books, assists with historic site preservation and sponsors the MHA Docents. The Docents conduct ongoing research, serve several area sites as tour guides and present programs on local history in the public schools.
PO Box 35032
Charlotte NC 28235
Phone: 704-333-6422
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Preserve Elmwood Pinewood Cemetery
The Joint Committee to Preserve Elmwood/Pinewood Cemetery (PEP) is committed to ensuring that Elmwood/Pinewood remains a serene, beautiful memorial and an urban oasis for all Charlotteans to enjoy. We welcome the participation of other groups or individuals in this effort. Respect for the wishes of relatives of those buried must be paramount. We must be ever mindful of the concerns regarding the veneration of Confederate soldiers and the recognition of those who suffered under slavery and segregation. Our purpose is to preserve this architectural treasure, to return it to its original park-like atmosphere and, to use it as an opportunity to teach future generations about our past.
P.O. Box 33113
Charlotte NC 28233
Phone: 704-375-6145
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